"Thanks for this brilliant article. Much of what you say is systemic throughout the entire PUA/Seduction community. Most especially stealing material from others and repackaging it as "original". You know, people used to call me paranoid etc for pointing this out. Now that I am not the only one pointing it out, perhaps people will begin to recognize it as true. I think there are many reasons for this: 1. The Eben Pagan/David Deangelo factor. Eben/Deangelo has been the marketing model for many of these guys. A. Write an ebook. B. capture an email address C. Follow through with a series of structured, fairly low priced courses that you try to sell individually or as a continuity(monthly payment) system. D. Don't worry about original content-in fact, selling constantly like this REQUIRES you to repackage content because almost no one is creative or prolific enough to create their own stuff. E. Do joint ventures with other companies, where you tell your audience about your "good friend X" who has "the most amazing product on". Get a piece of that guy's action, once you've drained your own list dry. F. That guy then repeats the cycle of repackaged crap. G. When you run out of stuff to steal, or want an alternative to stealing, do an "interview of the month". Also pioneered by Pagan/DeAngelo. Doesnt' matter that you are interviewing the same, tired "experts" as 10 other businesses. The chumps and suckers will keep buying if you keep the price low enough and bill them on "continuity". H. The trick to continuing to charge them monthly is to keep the price around $67, and to make sure that the chumps DON'T consume the content. The guys get a psychological lift from knowing they have all this great "material" that they COULD potentially study if they really want to. If they actually consumed the content, they'd see what crap it is and stop the billing of their credit cards. I. A few times a year, do a seminar where the other conning, conniving, dishonest, repackaging, over-blown, "Gurus" present as guest instructors, all of whom strive to be the coolest, hippest, top PUA in the room, both subtly and openly knocking the other presenters, or, depending on which guy they are making the most money with, pumping that guy up. Until such time as the money runs out and then attack that guy. J. Hire lots of "instructors" for your business, despite them having virtually no skills as teachers, and send them out around the world to bring in more business. Have no real qualifications for instructors as long as they bring in the money, who gives a fuck if they get results for students or not. What I'm saying here is that the dishonesty, stealing of material, repackaging and back-stabbing is a direct function of the "churn out more crap" model of Mr. Pagan which doesn't give one hoot about whether your customers actually get results. It is solely about and only about the APPEARANCE of caring and the APPEARANCE of offering value. Until the customers and clients who reward this wake up, stop rewarding it, and instead reward value, results, and relationship with genuine teaching and real support, and real originality, this is just going to keep going on, although with less and less profitability. As the economy gets weaker, and the suckers get squeezed even harder by more desperate Gurus, alot of companies will go under. More scamming, more stealing, more pumping out crap for diminishing financial returns. Frankly, I can't wait. Because that's when I step in with genuine originality, genuine results, genuine contact and caring and relationship with customers/clients. As for Sinn? The ultimate and only thing you need to know is that he stole the "Sinn" identity from the original "Sinn" from the Game, a guy named Elden. What kind of person does that-takes the reputation and fame of someone else and deceives others about that? I'll tell you: someone who doesn't give a fuck how he "wins". Someone who only wants to aggrandize his own ego, his own need for fame, and his own financial interests. I'm happy to talk more to you about this: shit you should interview me about it. RJ"